Service Call Objections: 5 Ways to Take Objections

Convincing a customer to bring their car in to be serviced may be more difficult than one may think. It can often be stressful for both parties involved, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s face it: even if you know more than the customer, they might still object to your advice.

The biggest objection you’ll face is when the customer asks how much something will cost. Although you CAN’T change the QUESTION, you CAN change your RESPONSE. That’s why, as always, we’re here to help! This guide will make your service appointments feel like a friend instead of foe.

  1. Simple Solutions

If the fix is something simple, (think oil change, tire rotation, or something you advertise), you can tell them the price over the phone. In this case, it’s important to remember that business conducted over the phone relies largely on how it’s presented.

When delivering the price of said service, say it with a little conviction! If your client needs an oil change don’t just say it that way. Bringing up a reason for them to get it done NOW is the best way to gain their interest. Instead, say “it’s ONLY $49.95!” or even “It’s ON SALE for $49.95!”

Now that you’ve got the customer’s attention, immediately follow up by asking for an appointment!

  1. Dreadful Diagnostics

If it’s a bigger job that might entail diagnostic work, you’ll want to get the customer into the dealership before going into too much detail over the phone. Explain that you would be able to provide the most relevant price if you could have all the information in front of you.

“The best thing for you to do is bring your vehicle into the dealership. Let’s look at it and get the complete picture of what the issue is because there’s a good chance we can save you some money, and we’ll give you an exact estimate as to how much it’ll cost to fix your vehicle. Now when are you more available to bring the vehicle in? Today or tomorrow?” is a great way to get your point across without coming off too strong!

Many customers won’t let you off the hook that easily and will ask more questions before agreeing to the service. But that’s okay because you’re prepared.

  1. Honesty is the Best Policy

Some customers will ask if their vehicle is still under warranty. If the vehicle is not still under warranty, then let them know that! There’s no need to beat around the bush. If it’s around the bubble, ask the customer what year and how many miles are on their vehicle in order to make the best decision.

If you’re unsure of the warranty status, ask the customer to bring the vehicle in. This way, at the dealership you can let them know how much they are obligated to pay and what the manufacturer may cover.

  1. Alternate Transportation

Another objection may come up if a customer requests an alternate form of transportation due to their vehicle being gone for an extended period of time. If a customer asks for a loaner car and you have one, tell them! If you don’t, tell them you have a shuttle service and that you’ll also give them a ride.

Let them know your dealership has an agreement with a rental car company. Explain how it works and how it’s of use. If your dealership doesn’t have one, obtaining one may be a great next step.

The point is to get the car looked at while also helping the customer, but showing them that you’re willing to work for them is always a good idea. By going the extra mile to ensure their comfort, you’re doing just that!

  1. Bring it Home!

Let the customer know why your dealership is the best option! Tell them about the process, give them a value add, anything that makes your dealership stand out! Explain why they should pay a bit more to get the job done RIGHT the FIRST TIME.

The key is to follow up every objection with asking for an appointment! It may not come the first try, but there’s no harm in continuing to ask. It may even take 3-4 attempts, but don’t give up! Before you know it booking service appointments will be your new superpower!

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